Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Surprise, you need to eat every two hours!

Lately, I have been feeling light-headed on and off, and at the strangest times.  My doctors did blood pressure tests, and other blood tests to determine the cause of my vertigo.  The conclusion that they finally came to is that I am probably hypoglycemic.  I have always had problems with not eating every few hours, but it has not been such a big problem until recently.  

My eating has drastically changed, and I was happy to hear that what I was eating are the correct foods, I was just not partnering them up in the right groupings.  I already eat low carb, partially because of the gluten intolerance, but also because doing so has helped me keep my weight under control.  My current meal plan looks something like the Paleo diet (where they consume meat, veggies, fruit, and nuts) but also includes cultured dairy and legumes.  I don't eat any rice, potatoes or grains.  This is what has been recommended to me currently while my body adjusts to its new size, and so far it is working.  I say, if is isn't broke, don't fix it!  (They say you need to stay at this new weight for 6 months to a year for your body to adjust to its new size!)

What does hypoglycemia mean for me?

The problem is, if I eat carbs alone, like a piece of fruit or legumes, and I do not include a protein or fat (like nuts, or healthy oils like olive or coconut oil) my blood sugar levels have trouble staying level.  With this new knowledge (I learn something new every day!) I have started eating at 2-3 hour intervals and included a protein or a fat serving at each one.   So far I feel much better!  It has only been a few days, but I can tell a big difference in how I feel already.  It is strange to eat so often, but it is exactly what you do during the fast, which is most likely why I felt so good on the program.  You drink a shake every 3 hours, and when you make sure to be on time, you feel great!  It worked really well for me.  I was very happy on the fast, and felt an equilibrium that I have not felt with eating food until now.  On the fast I was not hungry when it was time for my next shake, and so far with eating every two hours, I have had much less hunger.  I have been concerned about my calories being a problem but surprisingly I have wanted to eat less since my mini-meals are so satisfying.  My calorie intake has been the same or less each day since starting to eat this way.

We are preparing to go to Pasadena to sell merchandise at the Rose Bowl, and I am looking forward to seeing how eating this way will work for me on the road.  

So now, I am the gluten free hypoglycemic girl!  :)  Here is to a new year, with new strategies to try!

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