Friday, December 23, 2011

A new life, and New Adventures

Three things have happened to me in the past year and half that have changed my life.

*I have lost almost 90lbs
*I carried and lost my first baby Molly Victoria Drake
*I discovered I need to eat Gluten free

My life over the past year and a half has been crazy!  I took part in Kaiser's Optifast program, and lost almost 90lbs.  It was a fantastic program, and changed my outlook on food, life and what opportunities I have available to me.

I have been avoiding putting up a before and after photo...but I can't believe the difference when I look!

Not long after finishing the fast I became pregnant with my first baby.  It was an exciting time, but she did not make it.   The pain of losing her at 18 weeks was very difficult.  I am still healing, and my life will be changed forever because of what we went through. After I lost Molly, I tried for a few months to lose the weight I had gained during my pregnancy.  I decided to go back on the fast to lose the weight.  This was the best choice I could have made because it helped me to find an amazing counselor who has helped me transition back to food with great success.  I have been back on full food for about 2 weeks, and phasing back for over two months, and I have successfully kept my weight-loss off.

I also discovered I needed to eat Gluten free.  My whole life I had stomach problems, and thought I had IBS. Well, it turns out that Gluten was the problem. As I slowly phased back to food it was easy for me to tell which foods my body had a problem with.  As soon as I introduced gluten, I became sick again.  After speaking with my doctors, we came to the conclusion that Gluten had been my problem all along!  I have not had a stomach ache since cutting it out of my life! I feel great!

This blog will be a place for me to share all of the knowledge that I am learning in the program, and any amazing gluten free recipes that I discover.

Whatever happens with my weight, my life will never be the same...

1 comment:

kristen said...

Loved reading your blog. Thank you for sharing.