Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pregnancy Changes Everything!

Well it has been many months since I wrote in my blog.  But wonderful news... I am pregnant!  I am currently 34 weeks and it has been an interesting ride!

I have struggled with my weight throughout pregnancy, and have just recently been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  Bummer!! Tomorrow I go to a class to learn how to monitor my blood sugars 4 times a day. I am not that surprised since I was having blood sugar problems before pregnancy too...

Here is me at 30 weeks.  I basically still look the same...belly is just a little higher!

We also learned that our son (we are having a boy!!) will have a cleft lip and possibly a cleft palate.  I am glad that I am a little familiar with a cleft since my husband has one.  It has still been a learning experience.  I feel very fortunate that Kaiser has a special cleft lip/palate team!  We have already met with our pediatrician, and discussed the first surgery and what we can expect throughout this childhood.  I am nervous to meet him, but I can't wait to see him!

I am not sure where this blog is going to take me. I want to share information about cleft lip and palate with other parents who might have recently been diagnosed, as well as continue to share what I learn about life and health.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Out Running Myself

I have embarked on a new journey.  I am training for a 5k.

Naturally, since I am a technology lover, I have downloaded and started using the wonderful Nike+ app on my Iphone.  I love that it can track my progress and keep my motivated!

This running inspiration came from one of Andy and my friends.  He was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  He has still managed to train himself and recently run a half-marathon.   He asked us to join him in running, and I am so glad that he did! Having a running partner is amazing.  Andy and I are planning on keeping to a schedule, and keeping track using the Nike+ app.  I feel great after completing each run.  I just hope I can keep the motivation up.  Knowing that Rob is expecting to meet us to run is helping Andy and I stay on track.  

We are planning on doing the June 16th Philip Rivers 5k.  Join us!  We can help to motivate each other!

I am on Spring Break this week so stay tuned for some new gluten free recipes I am going to try! :) 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Banana Muffins

I love to eat bananas, and I also love muffins! One thing I have missed since going gluten free is a yummy squishy muffin!  I have tried a few recipes I have liked, but this one comes out with a nice consistency.

Almond Flour Banana Muffins
9 oz almond flour (either buy a pre-made package like the one they sell at Trader Joe's or make your own)
2 eggs
3 mushy bananas
1 tbls vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tbls cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.

Mix together flour, bananas, vanilla extract and egg. Add cinnamon to taste.  Take about 1/4 of batter off to the side. Mix the cocoa powder with the small batch of batter.  Pour a scoop of the main batter in each muffin cup.   Add a small amount of the cocoa mixture.  Then finish off each cup with the main batter.  This will create a chocolate surprise filling. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.


Friday, January 6, 2012

I like to eat apples and bananas!

Over the new year weekend I was scheduled to be out of town.  This made meal planning a challenge because I knew I would be on the road and very busy each day.  Needing to eat every two hours and keep my snack gluten free inspired me to try and make some of my own banana and apple crisps.  After a little Internet research and combining various recipes here is what I came up with.

Apple/Banana Crisps
3 or 4 apples (or 2-3 bananas)

1 lemon
cinnamon or nutmeg... your choice!
Parchment paper

Heat oven to 225 degrees.  Core and slice apples into thin pieces.

 Place apples on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and squeeze lemon juice over them.  Sprinkle cinnamon on top and then bake for 1 hour.  Flip the apples over, and bake for 1 more hour, or until they are dried and crispy. (I like my a little softer, so 2 hours was perfect for me!)

The recipe and directions is the same for the bananas, except you bake them a little longer.

These came out great! I added them to some raw almonds and cashews and had a tasty trial mix that lasted me all weekend!